Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Earth where human, animals, and botanical live ages million years. Good ecosystem will make our earth healthy. Last years, degradation of our earth’s ecosystem is conscious by people. All parts of the world call this degradation with “Global Warming” because it signs with increasing temperature of atmosphere, sea, and land. Human as the best grade of creature must save the earth from destruction. All people need to consider saving energy and cleaning the earth with healthy life style habit.

Save electricity, save fuel, and save forest are example activities to save energy. Save electricity activities, such as turn off lamp, air conditioner, and electronic equipment if it is not really used, will reduce greenhouse effect. Other activity to support it is save fossil fuel like mineral oil (kerosene, paraffin waxes, gasoline, diesel, and petroleum), gas, and coal. The output of combustion are greenhouse gas emissions air pollutants such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals. In addition the other activity to reduce greenhouse effect is save forest because forest as earth’s lung function to reduce greenhouse effect. Forest will convert greenhouse gas emission into Oxygen (O2). Forestation and forbid illegal logging are the best activities to save our earth.

What should all earth’s citizens do? To save this earth, the simplest activity is to clean environment such as no littering, clean water resources, and manage wastes. First, no littering culture everywhere must develop among people because this simple activity can help to clean our earth. Second, clean water resources like gutter, lake, river, swamp, basin, and sea. Ideally, all water resources are free from rubbish and waste. Then, citizens, industry, and government need to pay attention about this. Third, the other simple activity is managing wastes with 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). 3R means cut down rubbish and waste, exploit it which are still good to use, and produce it into new product.

The important activity to save our earth is from people themselves with healthy life style habit. Consume healthy food have two benefits. Beside good for health of the people themselves, it can affect psychologically to aware with healthy earth. Consume healthy food will not be complete if people do not want to do activity sports. Sport awareness also concern psychologically to make the earth green because in sport need oxide from plant. Healthy habits are also important to save the earth. It include not to smoke because smoking produce air pollutant like carbon dioxide, clean body and environment routine, and reduce in using plastics and paper.

“Global Warming” is a disaster that majority caused by human. Hence, they should improve the quality of earth. Saving energy and cleaning the earth with healthy life style habit are important activities which need supported from all citizen of earth. Then, HAPPY EARTH DAY 22 April, SAVE OUR EARTH.